Here's a photo-essay of our trip:
8:45 am: Dancing Daughter Two packing for the trip
8:46 am: Feis mom and dancing daughters packing the car
8:50 am: Feis dad packing all he needs for a weekend of feis-ing
9:00 am: On our way!
9:02 am: Returning home to retrieve Dancing Daughter Two's forgotten iPod
9:22 am: Finally leaving AGAIN after Dancing Daughter Two finds her iPod, Dancing Daughter One remembers that she's forgotten her solo dress, feis mom waters the plants and feis dad takes a quick nap.
9:16 am: Feis mom requires a pit stop at Starbucks to survive the long drive.
9:57 am: Finally on our way again. Dancing Daughter One having fun.
9:37 am: Dancing Daughter Two having fun. This is going to be a GREAT
9:38 am: Dancing daughters fighting. This is going to be a LONG trip.
11:23 am: Visiting one of Arizona's finest rest area facilities
12:02 pm: Endless Arizona beautiful scenery. ARE WE THERE YET?
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